Concise Minutes - Remuneration Board

Meeting Venue:

Microsoft Teams

Meeting date: Thursday, 21 May 2020

Meeting time: 09.15 - 13.30





Board members:

Rt Hon Dame Dawn Primarolo (Chair)

Ronnie Alexander

Trevor Reaney

Michael Redhouse

Dame Jane Roberts


Joanna Adams, Assembly Members' Senior Business Partner

Anna Daniel, Head of Strategic Transformation

Matthew Richards, Head of the Legal Service

Carys Evans, Head of Member Liaison and Professional Development

Martin Jennings, Research Team Leader

Craig Griffiths, Legal Services

Gareth Watts, Head of Governance and Assurance


Lleu Williams (Clerk)

Ruth Hatton (Deputy Clerk)

Huw Gapper (Secretariat)



1         Chair's introduction

1.1       The Chair welcomed Board members to the meeting.

1.2       No declarations of interests were made.

1.3       Subject to an additional of text to paragraph 4.1 the Board agreed the minutes of the 2 April as a correct record.

1.4       The Board noted the update on expenditure relating to Covid-19 and the take up by Members of the Home Working Allowance. The Board agreed to write to Members to remind them of the support available and to reassure Members that the Board stands ready to assist Members during these challenging circumstances. The Board agreed to consider a further update in relation to Covid-19 at the next meeting including preparation in case of having to deal with a second spike in the virus.

1.5       The Board also considered that going forward there may be an increase of costs associated with DSE for home working as it related to the health and safety of employees. The Board noted the advice on the Health and Safety Executive website especially in relation to lone working. Whilst acknowledging that expenditure on members Travel for example is reduced and may therefore meet the costs associated with support in respect of Covid-19, the Board would need to keep this under review. The Board noted the Commission’s intention to survey Members to establish whether their ICT equipment requirements were met and the Board reiterated its advice that Members should acquire Commission approved equipment even though it could be at a slightly higher cost.

1.6       The Board considered an update on the development of a Support Staff Contracts and Handbook. The Board was reassured that the initial feedback from party groups and Chiefs of Staff had been positive. The Board agreed to flag this issue in its handover note to the successor Board.

1.7       The Board noted an update on the usage of personal security devices and agreed to consider further information at its next meeting. The Board also agreed that this issue would also need to be included in the handover note to the successor Board.

1.8       The Board noted an update on appeals and asked that any appeals related to Covd-19 are brought to the attention of the Board for information once they are concluded.

1.9       The Board noted that the overtime payments for family members had been published for the first time and agreed that consideration should be undertaken at the time of the next publication, next year.

1.10    The Board discussed arrangements to handover to the successor Board in September 2020 and agreed to consider this further at the next meeting.

            Actions points:

-      The Secretariat to publish the April meeting minutes, subject to the small change as outlined above.

-      Prepare a paper for the Board to consider at the next meeting in relation to the support provided related to Covid-19.



2         Item for decision: Review of the Determination for the Sixth Senedd

2.1  The Board considered the final text for the Determination for the Sixth Senedd.

2.2  Subject to an amendment to the report to clarify the current position relating to Members’ Travel to EU Member States following the UK ceasing to be a member of the EU, the Board agreed the report on the Review of the Determination for the Sixth Senedd.

2.3  The Board discussed the publication arrangements for the Determination and agreed that due to the current circumstances with Covid-19 it would be more appropriate to delay publication by a week.

2.4  The Board wished to place on the record special thanks to  Huw Gapper for the excellent work he has undertaken in assisting the Board to publish a Determination that they are proud of and which encapsulates the Board’s work and ethos over the last five years in office.

       Action points:

-     The secretariat to make all arrangements for the Determination for the Sixth Senedd and accompanying report to be published on 4 June 2020.






3         Item for Decision: The Board's Legacy

3.1       The Board considered its approach to its legacy to the successor Board. The Board agreed that the Determination for the Sixth Senedd encapsulates their work over the last five years in office, and therefore decided not publish a Legacy Report.

3.2       The Board noted an oral update from Gareth Watts, Head of Governance and Assurance, on the Review of the Board’s Effectiveness during it term in office. The Board agreed to consider the final report at its next meeting, including whether there it would be published later in the summer.

            Action points:

-      The secretariat to provide the Board with a draft handover note, for agreement, for the next Board at the next meeting.

-      Prepare the Report on the Review of the Effectiveness of the Board for consideration and agreement at the next meeting.





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